function to flatten the list into a single linked list

Given a linked list structure where every node represents a linked list and
contains two pointers of its type:
(i) pointer to next node in the main list.
(ii) pointer to a linked list where this node is head.

Write a C function to flatten the list into a single linked list.


If the given linked list is
1 -- 5 -- 7 -- 10
| | |
2 6 8
| |
3 9

then convert it to
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 9 - 7 - 8 -10


  1. #include

    struct node {
    int data;
    struct node *fwd; //pointer to next node in the main list.
    struct node *down; //pointer to a linked list where this node is head.

    struct node *solve(struct node *head) {
    struct node *temp = head, *fwd;
    while (temp != NULL) {
    fwd = temp->fwd;
    while (temp->down != NULL) {
    temp = temp->down;
    temp->down = fwd;
    temp->fwd = NULL;
    temp = fwd;
    return head;

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    struct node
    n12 = { 12, NULL, NULL },
    n11 = { 11, NULL, &n12 },
    n10 = { 10, NULL, &n11 },
    n8 = { 8, NULL, NULL },
    n7 = { 7, &n10, &n8 },
    n9 = { 9, NULL, NULL },
    n6 = { 6, NULL, &n9 },
    n5 = { 5, &n7, &n6 },
    n4 = { 4, NULL, NULL },
    n3 = { 3, NULL, &n4 },
    n2 = { 2, NULL, &n3 },
    n1 = { 1, &n5, &n2 },
    *result = solve(&n1);

    while (result != NULL) {
    printf("%d%s", result->data, result->down ? " - " : "");
    result = result->down;

    return 0;


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